Sunday, March 25, 2012

Running From Tracker Jackers

I loved this card when I saw it.  I did go to the midnight showing of the hunger games and it was an awesome movie.  I don't know what kind of training those actors did, but the movie definitely did seem to put them through quite a workout.  Then again, if the hunger games were real, there wouldn't be a better workout than trying to stay alive.

Could you imagine running from tracker jackers?

Considering I did go to the midnight showing and worked both days around the movie, it did take me a bit of time to recuperate.  Luckily, I switched a shift and was able to get a run and some arm exercises in today.  The run didn't feel too good, my body was still so tired.  But the arm workout felt pretty good.  I'm debating doing another workout this afternoon, but we'll see if that actually happens.  I might just fall asleep early as been the norm lately.

PS- If you haven't seen the Hunger Games, or read the books... I would suggest doing both.  I'm on book 3 right now and I'm dying to see how it ends.  The movie was awesome and the casting was spot on.

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